The seven major chakras are aligned in an ascending column from the base of the spine to the top of the head and have a dynamic connection with each other, interacting energetically.
The chakras are part of an energy system throughout everyone’s body.
The First Chakra
Seat of: Survival
Called: Root chakra
Location: base of the spine in tailbone area
Colour: Red
Crystals/gemstones for healing: Red carnelian, red jasper, Garnet, ruby
Associated with: Support and foundation for living our lives.
A Balanced First Chakra will:
Make you feel grounded, centered, safe and secure.
Help you gain financial independence
Enable you to provide for you and your family basic needs (food, shelter and money).
Give you a strong desire to live and to create change when and where needed.
Deficiencies or imbalance of this chakra are related to:
Feelings of not belonging and not being home (no roots); not being able to make a living; not being able to materialize goals; feeling panic, fear, excessive negativity or cynicism; having eating disorders, greed, avarice, illusion; having excessive feelings of insecurity and living in survival mode constantly.
How to heal the Root Chakra: Energy healings, wearing healing crystals/gemstones, connecting to nature, walking, dancing, doing yoga, and some house-cleaning. Say to yourself: “I am safe. I am present. I am in my body”
The Second Chakra
Seat of: Emotionality, sexuality, Clairsentience or clear feeling
Called: Sacral Chakra
Location: Lower abdomen (about two inches below the navel)
Colour: Orange
Crystals/gemstones for healing: Carnelian; Orange Kyanite; Orange Calcite; Amber
Associated with: Emotions, creativity, relationships, sexuality, sensuality.
A Balanced Second Chakra will make you:
- Radiate warmth.
- Speak openly about emotions.
- Have a sense of abundance, well-being, pleasure and joy
- Enjoy sexual stability.
Deficiencies or imbalance of this chakra are related to:
Emotional instability, intimacy issues in relationships, sexual dysfunction, misuse of sexual energy, greed, materialism, depression, self-doubt, addiction, low self-esteem, fear of change and lack of creativity and inspiration.
How to heal the Sacral Chakra: Energy healing, wearing healing crystals/gemstones, initiating creative projects like painting, and taking baths for sensual pleasure. Embrace your sensuality, your sexuality and embrace change.
The Third Chakra
Seat of: Energy distribution
Called: Solar Plexus Chakra
Location: Upper abdomen in the stomach area.
Colour: Yellow
Crystals/gemstones for healing: Citrine, Yellow Jade, Yellow Tourmaline, Topaz.
Associated with: Self-worth, self-confidence and self-esteem, self-power, commitment and will.
A Balanced Third Chakra will make you feel:
- Willpower
- Self-confidence and self-respect
- Personal power
- Commitment.
Deficiencies or imbalance of this chakra are related to:
Low self-esteem, difficulty making decisions, anger, control issues, apathy, and procrastination.
How to heal the Solar Plexus Chakra: Energy healings, wearing healing crystals/gemstones, feeling confident in yourself, in your body and in your abilities. Feel strong courageous and powerful.
The Fourth Chakra
Seat of: Affinity
Called: Heart Chakra
Location: Center of chest just above the heart.
Colour: Green
Crystals/gemstones for healing: Green Jade, Green Aventurine, Green Calcite, Peridot,
Associated with: Love, compassion, service, unconditional giving and receiving, joy and inner peace.
A Balanced Fourth Chakra will make you feel:
- Love.
- Gratitude.
- Compassion.
- Forgiveness.
Deficiencies or imbalance of this chakra are related to:
Negative feelings, grief, anger, hate, jealousy, fear of betrayal, and grudges against others.
How to heal the Heart Chakra: Energy healings, wearing healing crystals/gemstones. Say to yourself: “I love. I am loved. I forgive. I am grateful.”
The Fifth Chakra
Seat of: Communication and expression
Called: Throat Chakra
Location: Throat
Colour: Blue
Crystals/gemstones for healing: Blue turquoise, Blue topaz, Blue Apatite Blue Lace Agate; Sodalite; Aquamarine
Associated with: Communication, self-expression of feelings and the truth, and art.
A Balanced Fifth Chakra will make you:
- Able to speak the truth.
- Able to fully listen others.
Deficiencies or imbalance of this chakra are related to:
Trouble speaking the truth or manifesting your ideas into reality
How to heal the Throat Chakra: Energy healings, wearing healing crystals/gemstones, singing, saying what you believe is the true and expressing feelings to others.
The Sixth Chakra
Seat of: Clairvoyance or clear seeing
Called: Third Eye Chakra or Brow Chakra
Location: Forehead above the eyebrows and between the eyes
Colour: Indigo
Crystals/gemstones for healing: Lapis Lazuli, Azurite
Associated with: Intuition, imagination, clairvoyance, telepathy, wisdom and the ability to think, to make decisions, and to create our future.
A Balanced Sixth Chakra will help you:
- Distinguish between truth and illusion.
- Know your life purpose.
- Develop intuition and wisdom.
- Think clearly and focus.
Deficiencies or imbalance of this chakra are related to:
Trouble in many cognitive areas, including accessing your intuition, trusting your inner voice, recalling important facts, or learning new skills; volatility, moodiness, day-dreaming and exaggerated imagination.
How to heal the Third Eye Chakra or Brow Chakra: Energy healings, wearing healing crystals/gemstones, doing meditation, and having moments of silence.
The Seventh Chakra
Seat of: Knowingness
Called: Crown Chakra
Location: The very top of the head.
Colour: Violet
Crystals/gemstones for healing: Amethyst, Sugilite, Clear Quartz; Charoite, selenite
Associated with: Wisdom, enlightenment, inner and outer beauty, transcendence, connection to spirituality, connection to the divine and pure bliss.
A Balanced Seventh Chakra will help you:
- Live in the present moment
- Feel a closer spiritual connection with the divine
Deficiencies or imbalance of this chakra are related to:
Feelings of isolation, disconnection from others and everything, depression, prejudice, and emotional distress.
How to heal the Crown Chakra: Energy healing, wearing healing crystals/gemstones, welcoming the Divine into your life and asking for spiritual transformation, growth and evolution.